Authors are invited to send abstracts (one page). The abstract will be peer reviewed and authors will be informed about the acceptance of the paper.


Language - English



Facilities for power point presentation will be made available.



Download Abstract template


Template of abstract

Abstract preparation



Title of the abstract (Bold). Capitalize first letter of each word (12 pt. Times New Roman)

First Author1, Second Author2 and Third Author3*

1Affiliation of first author, City, Country

2Affiliation of second author, City, Country

3*Affiliation of third author, City, Country



The abstract should be within the conference tracks. It should be single paragraph without subheadings, indentions, images and references. It should be an explicit summary of your research work with the purpose of carrying out the present work and indicate important results and outcome of the work done. Finally, the abstract should close with a statement of the project’s implications and contributions to its field.  It should be single-spaced in 11-point Times New Roman. Use only the SI units. Use a negative exponent (e.g. kgm-3) and do not indicate units as divisions (e.g. kg/m3). Chemical formulae should be written in standard form such as “CaCO3”, not as “CaCO3”. Use a zero before decimal points such as “0.45,” not “.45.” The content of the abstract shall be the basis for acceptance of paper presentation at this International Conference. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and authors will be informed about acceptance for presentation via email. The abstract should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document. Keywords should be given leaving one-line space below this text.

Keywords: single, paragraph, summarizes, words indentation (maximum 6 key words)


Corresponding author: Email ID

** Please note that, this format is provided for informative abstract (complete abstract). Descriptive and critical abstracts are also welcomed and authors are encouraged to follow